Many times, families will discontinue bracing early due to financial restrictions. Boots and bars do not require a prescription; therefore, they can be shared with others in need.
Clubfoot C.A.R.E.S. Boot Exchange
23131 Tiagua
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Any boots, bars, or donations that we cannot send out to families will be donated to other nonprofit organizations for refurbishing and redistribution to families in need.
We provide use of the boots for families with financial need for free. Please note that most boots are donated and have been previously used. If you are in need of a pair of boots, please fill out the form and once we have received and reviewed your application, we will make sure we have your size in our inventory. If we do, we will send the boots to you within 2-3 weeks, so please make sure all information you submit is accurate. You are responsible for mailing back the boots when you are done using them. Please see above “Returning Donated Boots” to print form and fill out when returning. Clubfoot CARES endorses and supports the Ponseti method of treatment and, as such, only provides those resources to support that method. For questions about the Ponseti method, go to our "What is Clubfoot?" section HERE. The Boot Exchange provides only Mitchell boots, and cannot provide single boots. Due to liability reasons, we are unable to provide the bars directly to families, but send us an email and we can send directly to your doctor if they allow this. We can only ship within the United States, and apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any additional questions that are not answered here, please email us at